
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Update 2/16/2015 - this time last year

Well, this time last year we were picking out funeral songs! Since we skipped the funeral you can listen to one of the songs with the link below. It was the day before my “heroic” surgery, as one oncologist described it. February 17, a year ago – I am definitely on bonus time! Although the Lord knew I would be around today to write this email. I am very thankful to Him for granting me life, eternal life, and all the blessings that come along with that. Many which are praying friends and family. Many of you still come up to me and let me know you are praying, which I am grateful!

The Lord God has given us an interesting journey to say the least, one of which is not over yet. He has been so faithful to provide all that we need in so many ways. If we had an hour here to share just some of those provisions you would, like us, just shake your head and marvel of how great God is! We still wonder why He would choose us to demonstrate His goodness. Wow. So, we are very thankful to say the least.

So the challenge before us this year is to do the follow up surgery which reshapes the flap from the original surgery and make my surgery side look more like my other side (there’s a scary thought!). I have been told by the doctors there is no way to have a prosthetic eye since there is no “socket” to hold one. Plan B is to have an eye tattooed on. That should be interesting. I’ll send a picture when that becomes a reality.

I was tested a few weeks ago to find that my immune system and liver are still compromised which is baffling knowing all the alternative treatments I have been doing over the past 2 years. I am better for sure but not well yet. so, recently I have tweaked my protocol somewhat to address this issue. In the meantime, I am able to drive, work full time, eat, drink, pray, worship, enjoy family and friends and all that good stuff. I just do it with one eye and a weird face.  But you just wait till I get my tattoo eye…

Thank you again for praying for my healing! Love you all….

Song - “No More Night”   - AMEN!

Steve & Sandy
Psalm 28:7 “The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him.”